IPO websites
Getting ready for an Initial Public Offering can be a stressful time, but with Copia’s help you can focus on the important job of raising investment.
You’ll feel safe in the knowledge that we’ll have your fully-compliant website ready for the big day.
Fast turnaround
We are proud to be a partner of the London Stock Exchange, both as a member of the Issuer Services Marketplace and as an official data distributor for share price and the Regulatory News Service.
Regulatory Compliance
The market listing authorities expect to see key information on your website, while many jurisdictions require sensitive information to be held behind a disclaimer that identifies exactly where in the world your website visitors are.
Over the course of more than ten years and dozens of IPOs, our expert team has worked with legal advisors to determine exactly what’s required to create a compliant website.
Share price and RNS feeds for IPO
Our team can prepare IR tools that spring into action on IPO day, displaying your share performance from the first moments of trading.
We can also provide an RNS feed prior to IPO, ensuring that key market announcements such as ITF and pricing information hit your website as soon as they are submitted to the regulatory news service.
Share price feeds RNS feedsWe are proud to be a partner of the London Stock Exchange, both as a member of the Issuer Services Marketplace and as an official data distributor for share price and the Regulatory News Service.