RNS feeds

AIM compliance requires that all Regulatory News Service announcements are added to your site as soon as they are released to the market.

Copia’s IR tools allow you to feed both news and share price data directly into your website.

Easy to install

Yellow green pill shape

AIM compliance requires that all Regulatory News Service announcements are added to your site as soon as they are released to the market. Copia’s IR tools allow you to feed both news and share price data directly into your website.

coding example coding example

RNS Widget Example


Blue red pill shape

Fresh information, no effort, compliance ensured

Listed companies have a legal obligation to publish regulatory news releases on their websites in a timely manner. Our widgets take care of this for you by pulling in RNS announcements to your website without requiring any manual updates.

Share price data displayed on television screen in office Share price data displayed on television screen in office

Email alerts

Blue red pill shape

Build a database of interested investors with our optional email alert module. Users can register on your website to receive email notifications. They’ll be notified as soon as RNS announcements are published and- you get access to a secure subscriber list of investor contact details.

Responsive share price charts on laptop screen, mobile and printed Responsive share price charts on laptop screen, mobile and printed

Official data supplier

Blue red pill shape

Copia and our wholly owned data company, Ticker, are official data suppliers of the London Stock Exchange meaning that we are one of just a handful of companies who can supply Regulatory News Service data directly to your website.

Coinbase data and charts Coinbase data and charts

Share price data feeds

Blue red pill shape

Copia can also provide investor relations tools for showcasing your share price performance with tables, charts, calculators and more.

Share price data feeds - RNS feeds Share price data feeds - RNS feeds

If you’re looking for expert advice on your RNS feeds get in touch.